Lets get it started,
If you've made it to this site, I want to welcome you and start with a simply "thank you". PJ and myself started "Scooter & The Big Man" in the middle of 2020 when the world was completely upside down. The show has been my baby. What started off as a simple passion project turned into so much more for me. The dream for most kids growing up is to be a professional athlete on your favorite team. Well.. that was quickly thrown out the window with a severe lack of talent, muscle, skill, attention span, etc. You get the point. So what's next? If you can't play for them, maybe you can work for them or cover them some day. I would give everything to sit up in that media booth and cover the New York Mets. I think what makes Howie Rose and Gary Cohen so incredible is that we can feel their emotion. I can sense their pain and you are uplifted by their genuine joy for the teams success. This is something that is really important for me to contribute to you Mets fans. If you listen to the show, thank you. If you watch our clips on Youtube and TikTok, thank you. If you just like reading our tweets when Edwin Diaz lets go a moonshot home run to lose in the bottom of the 9th? I guess, thank you too? This is only the beginning for this show. Being able to go on this journey with PJ and Pat has been an absolute blast. Let's be real, Pat is stupid talented. The graphic designs and clips he puts out for our show is better than what some shows at ESPN and Barstool are putting out. Finding a friend like PJ was huge for me in Florida. Pj is a ride or die friend. He doesn't need a reason to go to war for you, just tell him when and where and he's showing up ready to go. On top of that, his passion for the New York Mets franchise gets me fired up. All three of us are looking forward to the 2021 Baseball season. We can't wait to see how the script gets written. Thank you for reading my first ever blog post. This is the first of many. Thank you for taking this journey with us. Oh and one other thing, Lets Fucking Go Mets Baby.